Thursday, October 16, 2008

journal #7 Barbara Frum

She has a great intervewing style during the whole intervew she had trubble with the person she was intervewing. The person was very rood and never stayed on topic or would never answer the question Frum asked her. Frum did a very good job of keeping her cool, she tryed to keep the woman on track and tryed to get an answer out of her. But one time during the intervew she started to be sarcastic and said that she was a man but that was about it.
If she didnt keep her cool I believe that the woman would have yelled at her more and hang up sooner or she might have been more cooperative and answered the questions, you never know with that woman she was quite difficult to start with so if she was more aggressive the woman might have become more and more difficult.
The question "how do you feel" is a popular question and it is also easy to answer but for some reason the woman did not want to answer that simple question. She keep changing the subject and start talking about trees.
As a student Journalist I could learn a lot for that interiew. She kept calm when she was yelled at, she kept trying to keep the woman on track, and she also tryed to get a strate answer out of her.
I would like to do it as a video because as a video you get to see how the person reacted to each question, if it was writen you cant see how the person reacted and if it was writen some things might have been left out.
click here to see the interivew.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

journal #6

It all depends on what you like to read. You see i enjoyed reading the artical about the students that came for Bijing and the entertainment section was also intoresting but i am into that kind of stuff. If your not you might not find them as intoresting as i did.

My spot on the school newspaper in the kids news (Kids Korner). I like it i find that it is something that people of all ages could enjoy. All most everything is sutable of all ages but i find that the kids korner is something that is always happy and exciting.

It would be nice to have all of the cerent events and what is going to happen for the school

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Journal #5

Have you ever considered that the news you read (or watch or hear) may be wrong or even fabricated? What is your reaction to the articles? Were you surprised to find out that professional journalists fabricated news?

Yes, I do. I never usually believe anything unless I have proof or if I hear it on the news or someting like that. If i hear something on the radio I don't believe it because now there is so many different radio shows some are just for laughs and others are the truth but you never know when you are lissening to it you might get it mixed up and you might believe it and when its to late you find out that it is just a big lie. Just like how everyone in the artical was looking for the young boy named Jimmy that turned out to be fake.
I was not surprised that it tuned out to be fake because it was hard to beleive that a child only 8 years of age would be a heroin addict, I know it is not inpossible but an 8 year old child would have never started using heroin unless someone helped them to and who in the right mind would give a child heroin.